"When it rains, it pores"
This past month has hit me in most of the worst ways. Planning on Halloween being a great time, I set out to have to most fun weekend I have had in years. Whats to come in return? Well I got Beat up by a random person outside of a bar to the point where he was on top of me... the following day im sure many people remembered our little "snowstorm" well if it even effected you then you know about the amount of people without power, I was one. 1 week doesn't sound long but when all the money you spent on food is gone, your showers are cold enough to get you sick and falling asleep in a 34 degree home, and the very next day you got work super early, it will get you. The Next day the Clutch on my Mitsu EvoX went... due to a poor previous driver. To give you all an Idea its over 2 grand to replace this, plus the part itself. During this week I encountered many bad looks from customers cause of my black eye and cut up face...leading them to make up there own story in there head and tell rumors of bad things I had done the previous weekend, sounds like idk hmmm... High School! There was a little light when I took a beautiful girl out named Aceil. Shes pretty much the most wonderful person and our similarity's are so similar, its cazy...but then I come to find out that she has a religion that restricts me from seeing her in any other way then a friend (lebanese). ): When we went out that night I thought Id skip a mini set of steps like Ive always done, but this time I hurt my heal. I thought nothing of it. Throughout this week the pain has gotten so bad I went to the doctors to find out I severely bruised the bone and cut the fat pad below the heal which would lead to a shattered heal if not taken care of immediately. I already took 2 days off without pay which leaves a lousy check...And I owe about 3 grand total for the clutch and other parts in the car... Lets not forget bills coming for phone insurance and car payments for a 20 k loan (:
Well I finished my rant, Im in a pickle.
Please bring me some Karma, God...If there is one.